
2023年5月16日—Tofindouthowmanymonthshavepassedsinceaspecificdateuntiltoday'sdate,youcanusetheDATEDIF()functionwiththeTODAY()function.,UsetheDATEDIFfunctionwhenyouwanttocalculatethedifferencebetweentwodates.Firstputastartdateinacell,andanenddateinanother.,在此範例中,開始日期在儲存格D5,結束日期在E5。在公式中,m會傳回兩天之間的完整月份數。年份數差異.=DATEDIF ...,2021年1月29日—Hi,.Iamtryingtocal...

How to Subtract a Date from Today in Excel

2023年5月16日 — To find out how many months have passed since a specific date until today's date, you can use the DATEDIF() function with the TODAY() function.

Calculate the difference between two dates

Use the DATEDIF function when you want to calculate the difference between two dates. First put a start date in a cell, and an end date in another.


在此範例中,開始日期在儲存格D5,結束日期在E5。 在公式中,m 會傳回兩天之間的完整月份數。 年份數差異. =DATEDIF ...

Excel date difference formula (Today)

2021年1月29日 — Hi,. I am trying to calculate difference between today and expiry date. I tried 2 approaches: 1st- using a following formula =I3-today().

Excel DATEDIF function to get difference between two dates

2023年5月3日 — Excel DATEDIF function with formula examples to compare two dates and calculate the difference in days, weeks, months or years.

Calculate the number of days between today and another date

2021年5月11日 — So, the formula is: =TODAY() – B2 · To avoid having to do some mental math, you can take that formula and divide it by 30 to approximate months.

DATEDIF and TODAY Functions Combined

2014年8月21日 — The TODAY function returns the current date and the syntax for the TODAY function is: ... Excel DATEDIF · Excel TODAY · Calculate days in excel ...

How to Calculate Number of Days in Microsoft Excel

DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),md) & d denotes days between dates, ignoring months and years with string “d” attached to the number. As you can see their age now. You ...

MS Excel

The Microsoft Excel DATEDIF function returns the difference between two date values, based on the interval specified. The DATEDIF function is a built-in ...


注意:为第三个参数填写“ym”以忽略年份并获取两个日期之间的月数。为第三个参数填写“md”以忽略月份并获取两个日期之间的天数。使用& 运算符连接字符串。